Brad & Stu try to pronounce the unpronounceable (Togg-iz? Toe-ges? Toggess? @Thunderfulgames) build a fort with Dwarves @Bay12Games, impale fools with massive tools (!) @apptivus + decide that once a witch, a witch but once a knight is enough @SuperMegaTeam  

00:00:12 – Intro
00:01:05 – MHG Chat: Charmander
00:05:19 – Impaler @apptivus
00:17:33 – Dwarf Fortress @Bay12Games
00:27:34 – The Knight Witch @SuperMegaTeam
00:36:35 – Togges @Thunderfulgames
00:44:21 – MHG Chat: Christmas ‘advice’
00:56:01 – Outro

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