I initially had a more pithy opening fro AVICII Invector. However intrigued I googled AVICII and found out about his tragic death. AVICII passed away in 2018 from a suicide, after suffering mental health problems.

So before heading into this review, I want to share the link to the Tim Bergling Foundation, where 25% of all the game’s royalties will go. I also want to state that there is always someone to listen, please don’t suffer alone.

On to the game itself. If you’ve played any rhythm based music game in the past, then you’ll get the idea of what this game is. Taking cues from the likes of Thumper and Amplitude, you control a ship and travel down a path. You need to hit the correct buttons at the correct time to get the best score.

It isn’t doing much different to any other game of its type. Yet the are subtle differences to the play style. With the need to also change the plane you are on when prompted to add an extra level input.

To be honest though, the fact it all feels familiar is a good thing. You get the feeling, that much like in a FPS, the controls for a game like this should have been standardised by now. You want to be able to play, but also enjoy the music.

The soundtrack is what makes each of these games worth owning. In AVICII Invector you have a good mix of tracks and whist some might not be instantly recognisable by the masses. They should be for fans of AVICII. They all flow really well and fit with the rhythm of the game.

The opening track is probably the most well know and forms part of the game’s introduction and tutorial. That tutorial isn’t shoehorned in, feeling nice and natural, whilst easing you in.

The easy levels are just that, easy. I was getting 93-99% completion on early tracks and I am really bad at these types of games. In the latter levels you need to have quicker reactions and handle more complex combinations.

Again, this is all pretty standard and mixes the enjoyment of playing for fun and adding a challenge really, really well. I didn’t feel the need to challenge myself in the higher levels, but they are there for those who want them.

Visuals are very much club-night aesthetics as you move your ship through a tunnel of lasers and lights. It is all very bright and neon is everywhere. Yet it fits the tone of the music especially.

The oddest part of the game though is the story that at first feels out of place, but soon shows itself to be interesting. AVICII Invector sandwiches itself between levels as a story unfolds as you progress. The story well animated and the voice acting does the job. It is nothing groundbreaking but do stick with it and take it in.

There is multi-player but I actually found this part to be difficult to play. With everyone on screen at the same time, it just feels too busy and hard to concentrate on your own actions. It isn’t terrible by any means, but the game shines in the single player.

As someone who struggles with rhythm based games, I found AVICII Invector to be a joy to play. Thanks to a mix of easy to comprehend controls and some solid music choices. However, if you aren’t into the EDM or House genres, this may not be for you.

For fans of AVICII though, there is a great game here. AVICII Invector does the basics well and that creates a fun and enjoyable experience from start to finish.

Just to round things out, another mention that 25R of royalties will go to the Tim Bergling Foundation and please take care of yourselves.

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